Testimonials of Medical School Applicants

Aqsa Pervaiz
City of Portsmouth College

I am currently a third year Medical Student at Brighton having attended Portsmouth College where I applied to Medical School in 2020. I have been interested in medicine since my GCSEs. It was a career that I felt really ticked all the boxes for me as it covered my interest in Science and Biology, people skills, as well scientific research. The fun thing about medicine is that it opens many doors for you, opening up new opportunities. I currently am not sure of what type of doctor I want to become but you get to experience a lot of specialities through your placements in Medical School which can help you make a decision. Applying to medicine can be a really challenging process especially if there is a lack of guidance around you, which was the case for me until I received help from the Doctor Mike King Trust. The journey to medicine became a lot more easier, from sitting the UCAT and BMAT, preparing for my personal statement, all the way to my interviews. I was able to get a BMAT help course which really improved my confidence. As well as this, I was able to do mock interviews with Dr Manish Patel who kindly took the time of his day to support us and navigate us through the interview journey. Ambitious young students who have the potential to become amazing doctors might be afraid to apply to medicine because of the tedious application process. The Dr Mike King Trust instils confidence in young students and helps them develop vital skills needed for a successful application, giving them an amazing opportunity to become our future doctors.

Izzie Jordan-Evans

As an aspiring first-generation doctor, applying to medical school can be a complete minefield. Whilst my college was very supportive of my application to medicine, they had very little knowledge or resources available to help strengthen my application as very few students had previously applied. Many medical school applicants arrange vital work experience with family members, which wasn’t possible for me. The Dr Mike King Trust helped me to arrange an amazing week of work experience across many clinical settings to help me really understand what it meant to be a doctor. When it came to preparing for my interviews, I had no idea where to begin. For those without support from family or schools, many companies offer interview workshops but these can be extortionate and completely inaccessible to many applicants. The Dr Mike King Trust was able to help me prepare and practice for my interviews, without paying, so that when it came to interview day, I was confident in my abilities to tackle any questions thrown my way. The support that I received from the Dr Mike King Trust was invaluable in helping me to competitively apply and succeed in getting into medical school! I’m now a 4th year Medical Student at Brighton and Sussex Medical School and I’m looking forward to qualifying as a doctor in under a year!

Testimonial to follow

Testimonial to follow