Our Team

Raj Patel

Raj has worked in education for over 20 years in both the Secondary and Further Education sectors. As a former Deputy Headteacher in a local secondary school in Fareham, he is well aware of the low aspirations of some of the young people in the Portsmouth area. He is passionate about inspiring youngsters to reach their full potential and has been working on behalf of the Dr Mike King Trust to address the shortage of doctors in and around Portsmouth. Like his brother Manish, he was raised in Portsmouth attending local schools as well as Havant College. He went on to study Biology BSc (Hons) at Manchester University before training as a Science teacher. He lived and worked as a teacher in Manchester before returning to the South Coast as a Head of Science in a large secondary school in Southampton. He now works with multiple organisations as an Education Consultant. He has a particular interest in careers and volunteers his time to work on behalf of the trust

Dr Jack Collins

Jack qualified from the University of Leicester in 2012 and became a GP in 2018. He is based in Portsmouth at Trafalgar Medical Group Practice where he is a full time GP Principal. He is a GP trainer and is involved in supporting and educating GP Registrars as well as facilitating medical students from London to Southampton.

Jack organises medical education for all clinical staff at the practice, bringing in speakers from hospital consultants across all specialities to dentists to local volunteers.

Jacks interests within general practice are dermatology, minor surgery, substance misuse and sports and exercise medicine.

He holds a PGCert in Medical Education with the University of Winchester and in Research, Leadership and Education with the Univeristy of Cambridge

Dr Jo Cooke

Jo studied medicine at the University of Oxford and graduated in 2012. Jo was appointed as a Consultant Histopathologist at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth in 2020 and specialises in skin, breast and sarcoma pathology alongside diagnostic cytology.

Jo is enthusiastic about personalised medicine and has recently completed a PGCert in genomic medicine with the University of Southampton. She also is an educational supervisor of both medical and scientific trainees and has a PGcert in medical education with the University of Plymouth. She is keen to promote quality and encourage the development of the doctors of the future

Mr Greg Fellows

Mr Greg Fellows is a Consultant Paediatric Neurosurgeon and Gamma Knife Radiosurgeon in Bristol. He graduated from King's College London in 1999 with honours in medicine and a 1st Class, MRC supported, physiology degree. He undertook his neurosurgical training at King's College Hospital and the Atkinson Morley Hospital in London.

As part of his training he was funded by the European Union and was awarded an MD for his research into the molecular biology of brain tumours. His training was completed by a specialist paediatric neurosurgical fellowship at Alder Hey Children's Hospital, Liverpool, and a Gamma Knife fellowship at the University Pittsburgh Medical Centre (UPMC) in Pittsburgh, USA. The son of a retired QA & St Mary’s nurse & local hardware store owner Mr Fellows is delighted  to be a Trustee of the Dr Mike King Trust

Mr Philip Vaughan

Mr Phil Vaughan is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon and Deputy Clinical Director for Surgery, at the West Suffolk Hospital in Suffolk. He subspecialises in foot and ankle surgery which includes trauma/ sports injuries, care of the diabetic foot and degenerative foot conditions. He is also an associate lecturer at Anglia Ruskin Medical School, in the Department of Anatomy.

After a state school education in Liverpool, he studied medicine at Kings college London, gaining his MBBS in 1999. Following that, his basic surgical training was in London on the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital rotation and his higher surgical training in East Anglia on the Cambridge rotation. During this time he gained his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS Tr & Orth)

After completing his training, he underwent specialist fellowship placement at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital In Stanmore, London. He has since been a consultant for 9 years.

He got to know Dr Mike King throughout his undergraduate years and lived with him, in the same house, as a student. As a group of undergraduates, Phil formed strong bonds which has supported him over the years and continues to this day. Mike was a central character in this group and we all miss his dry wit, his life commentaries and his sense of drive. Phil is proud to have known him, had him as a friend and was Phil's best man at his wedding.

The Dr Mike King Trust honours his ability to achieve at the highest level from humble beginnings.

Dr Angelique Beling

Angelique qualified as a doctor from St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London in 1996 and is a Consultant Radiologist at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth where she works as the Director of Breast Screening. She has been involved in teaching and mentoring throughout her career and finds it a pleasure and privilege to support young people engaged with the Dr Mike King Trust in pursuing a career in medicine.

Mike was her friend and colleague; completing their post graduate training together and then working alongside each other as consultants in the Portsmouth Breast Unit. Like Mike, she also went to state schools and is keen to support the charity in widening access to a medical career. Angelique has 4 children ranging in age from 15 to 24, all with different ideas about what they want to do, and she believes deeply in supporting young people to follow their chosen path

Dr Howard Smith

Howard graduated from the University of Southampton Medical School in 2001. After a few years dabbling in hospital medicine he settled on Primary Care and qualified as a GP in 2009. He is a GP partner at Trafalgar Medical Group Practice in Southsea and Medical Director of the Portsmouth Primary Care Alliance who run the Out of Hours and various other Primary Care Services in the city.

His GP interests are Elderly Medicine, being the Care Home lead for Portsmouth and also Substance Misuse.

He grew up and went to school in Portsmouth, is passionate about general practice, and especially encouraging students from all backgrounds to consider a career in medicine.